Larry Curtis, APLC - 300 Rue Beauregard, Building C, Lafayette, Louisiana, 70508

Auto Insurance Rate High in Lafayette

According to a study by a pro-consumer financial website, ValuePenguin, people in Louisiana must pay more for auto insurance than most others in the country, and In Lafayette, drivers must pay more, on average, than other parts of Louisiana

Louisiana is ranked as the sixth most expensive state in the country for a 30 year old male with a clean driving record, with an average $3,110 premium per year for drivers in New Orleans which is 27% higher than the average for the state.

In Lafayette, the cost for the same insurance is $2,327 which is 2% more than the average for the state and makes it the 14th highest among Louisiana cities.

Louisiana rates are higher in metro New Orleans, where accidents are frequent on Interstate 10, which is the fourt most dangerous interstate in America. In addition the Interstate traverses Baton Rouge which it has the eighth highest insurance rates in Louisiana as well as Lafayette.

If you have been injured in an accident, or if you have lost a loved one in a fatal accident, the legal issues you are facing are complex, but you don’t have to face it alone. Please, call the Lafayette accident claims attorneys of Larry Curtis Law at 800-836-2064 today or contact us online right away.